Kia eke kairangi ki te taikaumātuatanga

Ageing Well National Science Challenge

Harnessing science to sustain health and wellbeing into the later years of life

Launching our new research book: Ka Mua Ka Muri

Our new book that tells the story of our second phase of funded research, and dives into our hopes for the future of ageing-related research in Aotearoa.


Science System Advisory Group submission

Read the response from Ageing Well to the call for submissions by the Science System Advisory Group.

Celebrating Ageing Well Book

Read our book 'Celebrating Ageing Well: the first five years of the Ageing Well National Science Challenge'. It focuses on the establishment of the organisation and the first phase of funding. 

Our Kōwhaiwhai



This design uses elements of each research Kōwhaiwhai -- Kaumātuatanga, Hāpori, Tātai Hono, and Tinana -- to complete the narrative of Ageing Well. Kōtahitanga connects the narratives of each value and reminds us all to be one and support one another.

Our Kōwhaiwhai


Age friendly

Much like the pā harakeke, the outer strands of the flax protect and support nurturing the smaller fronds. The triangles stem from mahi raranga, the form of weaving from harakeke. They represent the products and influence the kaumātua to provide for the next generation.

Our Kōwhaiwhai



The style used is a form of raranga known as tāniko. The tāniko process is a long skilled process that is only possessed by certain people with the capability of doing it. The tāniko uses multiple strands of fine muka sourced from harakeke, each strand holding the shape of the design. Much like community, each strand is important to hold the community together.

Our Kōwhaiwhai

Tātai Hono


The design uses the koru form to represent connection. The koru symbolises the growth and development of the individual and all of the knowledge and experiences it took to develop the koru. Each koru has its own whakapapa and connection and coming together speaks to connection.

Our Kōwhaiwhai



The four koru represent the four walls of the wellbeing model created by Tā Mason Durie. The four walls of the whare being Hinengaro (mental), Wairua (spiritual), Whānau (social) and Tinana (physical). Each part of the whare is equally as important as the other in order to achieve sustainable wellbeing.

Taurite Tū

Achieving equitable injury prevention outcomes for ageing Māori


Investigating how we can utilise equitable and active modes of transport for health and wellness in our community

Whaioranga te Pā Harakeke

Iwi-driven injury prevention and recovery for Māori

Recognising deterioration in residential aged care

Supporting nurses with an early warning tool to detect acute illness in aged care residents

Kaumātua Mana Motuhake Pōi

Utilising a Kaupapa Māori model, this larger-scale programme seeks to enhance wellbeing, social connectedness, and cultural identity

Te Roro

Empowering whānau Māori to maintain or improve brain health throughout their lifespans, with emphasis on mātauranga Māori

Reducing social isolation

Using big data to help identify older people in our community who are lonely and at risk of poor outcomes before they develop.
Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society & World Falls Congress

Nov 26, 2023

Perth, WA, Australia

British Geriatrics Society – Autumn Meeting 2023

Nov 22, 2023

Birmingham, UK, and online

Gerontological Society of America Connects 2023

Oct 15, 2023

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and online

Collaborating parties