New Ageing Well Fellowship with MOH increases impact

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May 31, 2024

As part of Ageing Well’s commitment to innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, we have established an Ageing Well Fellowship with Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health (MOH).

We are pleased to announce researcher Rangimahora Reddy (Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi me Rangitane) as the Ageing Well Fellow. Ms Reddy is a subject matter expert in the field of health and wellbeing of older people and will assist with translating research into policy and implementation for three months.

“This Fellowship provides a wonderful opportunity to widen the scope of Ageing Well’s impact and one that will extend past the lifespan of the Challenge,” said Professor David Baxter, Ageing Well Director.

“This is a novel opportunity and has not been done with the Ministry before. We see this agreement as a chance to elevate Rangimahora, as well as the kaupapa of Ageing Well and the Ministry of Health,” he added.

This is a novel opportunity... we see this agreement as a chance to elevate Rangimahora, as well as the kaupapa of Ageing Well and the Ministry of Health.” -- Prof David Baxter

Ms Reddy has an extensive background in community research and engagement. She is currently the CEO of Rauawaawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust, and has worked in collaboration with university researchers in research funded by both Ageing Well and the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities and Ageing Well National Science Challenges. In 2022, Ms Reddy received the Age Concern New Zealand Huia Award. She brings to the Fellowship her significant mana and respect of her wider community.

For the duration of the Fellowship, Ms Reddy is based in the Office of the Chief Science Advisor in Evidence, Research and Innovation | Te Pou Whakamārama at Te Whatu Ora | MOH. This appointment is funded by the Ageing Well National Science Challenge.