Director Professor David Baxter, Co-Director Associate Professor Diane Ruwhiu, and Co-Director Associate Professor Tracy Perry.
We would like to share several changes in key personnel for the final months of the Ageing Well National Science Challenge.
Professor David Baxter stepped into the role of Director following the appointment of former Director Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie as Departmental Science Advisor to the Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) in October of last year. David was the inaugural Director of the Challenge, so to finish the life of the Challenge with him at the helm is a fitting bookend.
Associate Professor Diane Ruwhiu (Ngāpuhi) has been promoted to Co-Director of the Challenge, from Deputy Director. Diane has kindly agreed to increase her FTE with the Challenge and continues to support Ageing Well’s kaupapa and strategic alignment.
We would also like to welcome Associate Professor Tracy Perry (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Uepohatu, Waikato, Ngāti Wairere) to our whānau; Tracy is serving as Co-Director for the remaining months of the Challenge.
It is wonderful to have someone as experienced as Associate Professor Perry on board at Ageing Well. She brings different expertise and a new perspective to our whānau,” said Professor Baxter.
The role of the Director and Co-Directors form the Directorate of Ageing Well, the team responsible for leadership of the strategic direction of the Challenge, science quality, management, and other activities. Our Directorate is supported by a small dedicated team of research, communications, and administration experts.
Professor Baxter was enthusiastic in welcoming Associate Professor Perry to the Directorate of the Ageing Well.
“It is wonderful to have someone as experienced as Associate Professor Perry on board at Ageing Well. She brings different expertise and a new perspective to our whānau,” said Professor Baxter.
“Now that we have a full complement on the Directorate, we are powering on with the work of the Challenge. Though the mahi of Ageing Well finishes mid-2024, we have much to do in the way of engaging with our research teams, disseminating research findings, and communicating the valuable understandings we have garnered over the course of the last decade,” he said.
Sarah has been integral to Ageing Well. She has demonstrated a high level of commitment and skill, and has been the go-to for all organisational and institutional knowledge,” said Professor Baxter.
Additionally, our Business Support Coordinator, Sarah Benwell, has been appointed as the Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor at the University of Otago. We sincerely thank her for her vital four-year contribution to the Kaupapa of Ageing Well and wish her every success in her new role.
“At the core of every organisation are the administrators and Sarah has been integral to Ageing Well. She has demonstrated a high level of commitment and skill, and has been the go-to for all organisational and institutional knowledge,” said Professor Baxter.
“The team at Ageing Well wishes to thank her for her professionalism and her humanity. We hope her professional journey will be filled with many significant opportunities,” he added.