Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho: Wai 262 and the National Science Challenges

Ageing Well is proud to support the ‘Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho: Wai 262 and the National Science Challenges’ webinar series to be held later this month, hosted by Rauika Māngai.
Wai 262 is one of the most significant and far-reaching claims considered by the Waitangi Tribunal, and current work to resolve the issues it raised will affect everyone participating in science and research in Aotearoa. This pan-tribal claim covered key issues of misappropriation of mātauranga Māori through research processes, plus the protection of cultural intellectual property rights, flora, and fauna.
The two webinars will discuss the history and impacts of Wai 262, as well as the unique opportunities for National Science Challenges to advance the thinking, policy, capability and behaviours within Aotearoa’s science system. The free webinars will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, 21 July and Wednesday, 27 July, from 1pm.
We encourage you to register for the webinars to understand more deeply the impacts of Wai 262 and to prioritise action to advance this kaupapa over the next 3 years.
About Rauika Māngai
Rauika Māngai means the ‘assembly of representatives’. The group is made up of members from the eleven National Science Challenges (of which Ageing Well is one) as well as Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. These members are leaders at the forefront of the implementation of Vision Mātauranga. For more information, please visit their website:
Webinar 1: History and Impacts of Wai 262

When: 21 July 2021 at 1pm
Where: Zoom webinar
Hosted by: Rauika Māngai
Register for free:
We all need to understand the origins, history and impacts of the Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal claim on individuals and whanau, so that we can understand its broader implications in our science and research landscape. Panellists will talk about the injustices, issues, and tensions that resulted in the claim, and the subsequent Waitangi Tribunal report, along with the unresolved concerns that remain on the table to be addressed.
This webinar will be 2.5 hours, allowing for panellist kōrero, facilitated discussion, and questions.
Panel members:
- Aroha Mead
- Sheridan Waitai
- Third panel member TBC
- Facilitator: Joshua Te Kani
Webinar 2: Wai 262 and opportunities for National Science Challenges

When: 27 July 2021 at 1pm
Where: Zoom webinar
Hosted by: Rauika Māngai
Register for free:
Te Pae Kahurangi, the government’s 2020 CRI review, has signalled changes ahead. While the future of National Science Challenges is unclear, there is still much that can be achieved in the next 3 years. The ability of our National Science Challenges to push at the edges of critical societal issues creates a unique environment for practical and innovative responses to issues associated with Wai 262.
This session will discuss challenges and opportunities in Aotearoa’s science system, highlight examples of responsible practice within National Science Challenges, and look at where we can prioritise action to advance this kaupapa over the next 3 years.
This webinar will be 2.5 hours, allowing for panellist kōrero, facilitated discussion, and questions.
Panel members:
- Aroha Mead
- Jessica Hutchings, Biological Heritage
- Meika Foster, High Value Nutrition
- Pauline Harris, Science for Technological Innovation
- Facilitator: Josh Te Kani, Resilience to Nature’s Challenges